We Should All Be Feminists

The Future is Female T-Shirt

The future AND the present is definitely female. We are slaying in all industries: Technology, Politics, Education, creative spaces and more. Spice up any outfit with a statement t-shirt, especially one that features a slogan you believe in. I snagged this t-shirt from Amazon  - yes AMAZON. I was inspired to dress it up with pops of color.

Fashion Blogger in Crystal City

Blending sporty and girly pieces are always fun. This flirty multi-colored skirt is one of my favorite items in my closet right now. I paired this outfit with a bold pair of blush colored Reebok sneakers.

Zara Earrings The Future is Female T-shirt

These funky earrings are from Zara! The pink and red compliment the outfit's theme perfectly.

Crystal City Murals

Would you believe me if I told you this cheeky heart-shaped bag was from Amazon? Well, it is. Please don't sleep on Amazon! Whenever I'm looking for a particular item, I always start with Amazon. Its fashion section has grown tremendously over the years, making it easy to find something I'm looking for. Plus, I can use my prime benefits (free 2-day shipping squad!) - a win, win!

"Future is Female" T-shirt: Amazon

Skirt: Target (old)

Heart Bag: Amazon

Sneakers: Reebok

Glasses: Firmoo

Do you own a favorite slogan tee? What does yours say?